Develop with Docker

Install Docker

Make sure docker has been installed. You can refer to the official tutorial.

Development with Docker

You can build DETLA or DETLANN locally as Build Images, or using pre-build images as belows:

All avaible image tags list in here, please choose one as needed.

If we choose delta-cpu-py3, then download the image as below:

docker pull zh794390558/delta:delta-cpu-py3

After the image downloaded, create a container:

cd /path/to/detla && docker run -it -v $PWD:/delta zh794390558/delta:delta-cpu-py3 /bin/bash

then develop as usual.

We recommend using a power machine to develop DELTANN, since it needs to compile Tensorflow which is time-consuming.


Please go to this to see the valid docker images tags.

Build Images

Build CI Image

pushd docker && bash ci cpu build && popd

Build DELTA Image

For building cpu image:

pushd docker && bash delta cpu build && popd

for building gpu image

pushd docker && bash delta gpu build && popd

Build DELTANN Image

For building cpu image:

pushd docker && bash deltann cpu build && popd

for building gpu image

pushd docker && bash deltann gpu build && popd