Contributing Guide


The source file should contain a license header. See the existing files as the example.

Name style

All name in python and cpp using snake case style, except for op for Tensorflow. For Golang, using Camel-Case for variable name and interface.

Python style

Changes to Python code should conform the Chromium Python Style Guide.You can use yapf to check the style.The style configuration is .style.yapf.You can using tools/ tool to format code.

C++ style

Changes to C++ code should conform to Google C++ Style Guide.You can use cpplint to check the style and use clang-format to format the code.The style configuration is .clang-format.You can using tools/ tool to format code.

C++ macro

C++ macros should start with DELTA_, except for most common ones like LOG and VLOG.

Golang style

For Golang styple, please see docs below:

Before commit golang code, plase using go fmt and go vec to format and lint code.

Logging guideline

For python using abseil-py, more info.

For C++ using abseil-cpp, more info.

For Golang using glog.

Unit test

For python using tf.test.TestCase, and the entrypoint for python unittest is tools/test/

For C++ using googletest, and the entrypoint for C++ unittest is tools/test/

For Golang using go test for unittest.